Academic Policies

Academic Policies

Participation in all academic activities lectures, tests, tutorials, examinations, attachments, practical etc. is compulsory to all students. In the case of a student’s inability to participate in any of these activities, prior permission must be obtained from the Director of the Institute.

When a student’s unexpected absence exceeds the number of class sessions per semester, the student will be expected to repeat the semester concerned.

Examinations are held at the end of each semester while final examinations are held at the end of each session in accordance with Institute schedules.

Students who fail to take part in semester or sessional examinations through no fault of the Institute will automatically carry over the courses.

Student Registration

Students admitted into the Institute are required to register on the date and time, which will be notified to each student. At registration, each student will receive a set of information papers or attend an orientation programme or both to familiarize them with Institute policies, programmes and personnel.

Identity cards will be issued to students after close of registration and on the submission of two passport photographs with their full names and courses inscribed on the back of each copy. The card must be carried at all times and must be produced on demand by the Institute’s staff, security officers or library officials (when using the library). If it’s lost, a replacement will be made only after payment of a prescribed fee. Such a loss must first be reported to the Administrative Secretary of the Institute who will process the new application.

The identify card lasts for the duration of the course for which the student is enrolled and must be returned at the completion of the course.

All students pursuing two-year programmes must register at the commencement of each session. After registration, a student may not change his/her course without the approval of the Director of the Institute. The period of registration shall be effective from the first week of the semester until matriculation.

Institute Prizes

The Institute awards prizes to students who excel in specific fields or courses of study during convocation ceremonies. The prizes are donated or endowed by accomplished professionals, personalities, companies or organizations in Nigeria. Winners of these prizes are usually presented with their awards in public and in the presence of all guests at the convocation ceremony.


There are many courses in the Institute awaiting sponsors or donors. The management of the Institute will welcome endowments for academic or professional courses from willing individuals and organizations. All inquiries should be directed to the Director of the Institute.

Student Union Activities

The Institute encourages virile, responsible and active student unionism in accordance with its policies and constitution.

The students union is encouraged to develop good rapport with other students’ unions from similar institutions for the purpose of learning and meaningful interaction. The Institute’s subvention and the student union dues paid by each student on enrollment fund the union. Students should, however, note that the IIJ management does not welcome or encourage the activities of cults on the campus. Students are advised to steer clear of such activities.

The IIJ is also a drug-free Institution. The school authorities are committed to the establishment and promotion of a campus environment free from the use and abuse of illegal drugs and alcohol.

IIJ Relationship with Professional Bodies, Universities and External Institutions

The International Institute of Journalism (IIJ) maintains a good relationship with all relevant professional organizations such as the NUJ, the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) and the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) whose syllabi are incorporated in the courses offered at the Institute. Regular contact is made with these organizations on our professional programmes to enable them appreciate our faculty’s qualities. Our students have also been admitted in many universities in Nigeria offering mass communications.

We should however stress the fact that the IIJ is not set up as a preparatory ground for university admission but to train professionals in journalism.

The Institute maintains a good relationship with the French Cultural Centre, Alliance Françoise, the Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy, the British Council and other relevant agencies. The French Embassy awards prizes to students who excel in French courses. The Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy takes keen interest in IIJ programmes and has donated course materials to enrich the curricula of courses run at the Institute. The BBC has also donated studio equipment to the Institute.

The Institute also maintains a good working relationship with the International Organization of Journalists (IOJ) and has links with the existing IOJ Institutions especially IIJ Berlin, Germany.

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